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What is a CSS breakpoint?

CSS breakpoints are used to adjust the styling of a web page to match the screen width of the device it is being viewed on. The most common breakpoints are based on the width of the device screen, but other criteria, such as screen resolution, can also be used. A breakpoint is a point at which responsive web pages change their layouts.

What is a breakpoint in a responsive design?

The point at which information and design of website adjust to offer optimal user experience is known as the breakpoint in a responsive design. Breakpoints can be defined in CSS primarily as pixel values by developers and designers. However, selecting a strategy for adding a breakpoint might be challenging.

What are breakpoints & media queries?

While it is typically shown in pixels, breakpoints can also use CSS units like em, rem, or percentages . With breakpoints and media queries, you can define different conditions and adjust your site content based on them. For instance, you can show the navigation bar only on large devices.

Which CSS media breakpoints will work in 2022?

Several CSS media breakpoints will likely work for most websites, including popular devices and content types. Here are the most popular frameworks – Foundation, Bootstrap, and Bulma. The most common screen resolution in 2022, as per the Worldwide Screen Resolution Stats from Sept 2021 to Sept 2022, is 1920×1080, accounting for 9.94% of devices.

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